“Color Code” is a project in which immigrant young men and women and young people of Turku took part together with the artist Susana Nevado and the therapist Kitty Enbom. The project could be seeing both in the city and in the museum Aboa Vetus and Ars Nova of Turku. In the room of exhibitions it could visit the enormous mural painted by the young people and the calendars of color done by them too. The topic on the color could see also in the principal hall of the museum and in the great large window at the entry to the museum, where a video done with the young people was projected. During the last month of December three enormous stickers could see in some buses, for which the participants had gone out to the city to take photos of them themselves.
The project “Color Code” took the color as a topic and how we it feel in our diferent cultures. Thanks to the diversity that they informed, the young men and women, we obtain a very varied scale.